Thursday, May 10, 2012


This is a little off-topic (as the title says), but I just had to share this video with you.  This video is from when I was in middle school.  My history teacher assigned a video project on the Civil War.  I play a man who gets drafted in the Union military and then tries to run after he sees what it is like.  Do not get me wrong, this is not a boring video, it is extremely funny!  I remember that everybody loved it!  I remember it like it was two days ago.      

Monday, May 7, 2012


     Attention everybody!  The Liger Lovers' Club now has a Facebook page.  It is called "Ligers Lovers' Club (LLC)".  If you have a Facebook go and like it immediately and then share it with your friends.  If you do not have a Facebook... Get one.  Then type in "Ligers Lovers' Club (LLC)" in the search box, find my page and like it.  Then push share and share it with everyone! The Facebook is going to be just as awesome as this page is.   

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Quest For You

     I am bored at the  moment and would like something from you guys.  I know it is hard to believe that anyone can be bored when there are ligers in the world, but this is a different kind of boredom.  I want you guys/girls to email me about anything!  I realize that is a broad statement, but that is what I need and that is what I want.
     When i say that I mean that I want you to email me about anything having to do with ligers.  If you want to know a fact, know a location, have a question, have a complaint, have a compliment, or just want to talk with a knowledgeable liger specialist.  Email me at the link at the bottom.


Monday, April 16, 2012


     I just found something amazing... Amazing for me and anyone else who lives in the state of Oklahoma!
     As you could have guessed from what I just said, I live somewhere in Oklahoma... Do not ask me where, because I will not tell you.
     I have actually found a video of ligers in a zoo in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma!  That is so exciting!  I will go see it someday, but until then I can only dream.  I still have not bought a liger.  I also yet to see one in person...  I hope you guys have, because then we can share the excitement.  Here is the the video and link to it.  You really need to watch this; it is pretty awesome.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Hello lovers of ligers! How have you been lately? Don't forget to email me at Black Spiderman.

Don't you wish you owned a fine specimen like this one right here?! His name is Hercules, he is a liger. (of course) He is so cute.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


     I know that I told you all that I would be posting on this more, but I was working on a work out for the followers on my other blog.  Sorry if you have been impatient with me.  I would be like that too.  So I will try my very best to evenly spread the love between my loyal followers. 
     You guys are the best! 

Monday, April 2, 2012


     I do not know if you are aware, but I have a new blog.  I will still be posting on the LLC, but I would like you guys to check it out! It is called "FAT TO THAT".  It is a beastly blog about working out and how to get your body in the greatest shape of your life! Click the link below to check it out!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


     Of course you know Zach from the Art of Architecture blog (  Well, he is actually one of the followers here at the LLC!  He took action, like so many of you did, and he sent emails about ligers. Not just where to purchase them, but cool stories and facts about them!  Zach and I actually go way back, all the way to elementary school.  This next story is an idea I got from him.  It's a liger attack!  I did not think that ligers were mean.  However, I do not blame the liger, I blame the person for getting on his nerves
     Peter Getz was feeding the liger at their special zoo.  He broke code and was in the cage with the liger while it was eating.  As you can imagine this is very dangerous because ligers don't like it when wimpy white guys come into his cage while he is eating and starts walking around like he owns the place.  Please, don't get me wrong, I don't approve of animal violence, but if some was walking around my house while I was eating I would bit his throat to!  Sorry Peter Getz, but you had it coming
     This story comes from

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sorry Y'all

     As you know, I have to work for a living because I am out of school.  By the way, have I told you guys that I used to go to the same grade school as Jeremiah B Ballin' #4 and also the famous reviewer, Nathan?  Also I went to grade school with another famous blogger, Zachary Elliot of the Art of Architecture blog.  Another blogger I was associated with was Ryan Harris of Ryan's Golf City (unfortunately).  That's right, I know quite a few bloggers. 
     Anyway, back to my point.  Of course you have noticed that my posts have been a little less frequent than when I first began to post on my blog.  I have been up to my eye balls in work!  And I am six feet and 4 inches tall!  It's amazing how much stuff the man can make me do.  I have barely gotten any sleep and losing an hour of sleep do to daylight savings time did not help at all.  As you can imagine I am extremely tired. Also, with all my work, I have hardly no time to post.  However I make it a priority to bring my knowledge and love for ligers to all of my dearest viewers.  I want to thank you all for being followers and keeping with me through all this.
     I very much appreciate all of your encouraging emails to me about ligers and how awesome they are.  It really helps me get through this drought.  I really feel like I am coming back to my normal charisma.  LLC FOREVER!!!!


    I have an urge, not just a normal urge, but a strange one.  I don't think it is strange, but other people have told me that it is very strange. In fact I have only one supporter of my next mission, Nathan.  I do not think I have told you this, but I know Nathan from when I went to grade school.  He is the head blogger at Nathan's Reviews (
    My urge to buy a new pet!  It's not just any pet, but the coolest pet you could ever imagine!  Nathan, my friend from grade school, and I are on a mission to buy a liger!  Every place we have emailed has told us that their ligers are not for sale.  Actually most of them tell us that we are crazy and if we continue to email them they will call the police.  So we thought about whether or not we should continue and finally decided we did not want to be arrested. 
    If any of you find a place where we can purchase ligers, please email me at!  Help me out!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Grrrrrr says liger
Where is his meat
We better hurry like its a track meet

When he gets mad, he likes to eat
In order to find his meat
He runs with his feet

Ligers do not cheat
When it comes to meat
They store it in sheets

When they eat their meat
They are not very neat
Because they think its a treat

They catch their meat
While in the heat
But watch out for their deceit

When ligers catch their meat
They will not be beat
Because they want their juicy meat

In order to catch their meat
They shop at elite feet

Now catching meat
Is hard in the sleet
Much harder than in the heat

In this poem about meat
I talked about meat
And how the liger is so elite!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Check it out!

I know this is completely off-subject, but all of you need to drop everything right now.  (If you literally did drop stuff and it broke, the LLC can not be held responsible).  Now that you can not legally sew me, check out this blog.  This is another blog of one of my great friends from back when I was in grade school.  It is called Around the NBA.  His name is currently Jeremiah B Ballin' #4.  His blog is just getting started, but it shows promise so check it out!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Reason

         If you are a follower of Nathan's Reviews, then you have seen his latest post about the LLC.  I found it very encouraging that so many people told him to review my blog.  His post really showed how greatly this blog is viewed.  Considering that I only have 3 followers, including myself, I am shocked and surprised that someone emailed Nathan that many times.
         For those of you who do not know, I am actually great friends with Nathan.  We attended the same grade school together.  I believe he even points that out in his review of the LLC.  We are very good friends, as I mentioned before, and he even shares my love for ligers.  Our love first started when the fabulous and meaningful movie, Napoleon Dynamite, came out, I was in awe.  I had never heard of a liger before.  I saw his beautiful drawing of one, and I somehow knew that it was my destiny to someday wright about ligers on a blog.  
         Back then I did not even realize how off his drawing was.  I am not saying that his drawing was inaccurate. The drawing is just so much more artistic than anybody on planet earth can even comprehend! (except me, of course)  I do not know if you know this, (not to toot my own horn) but I am a very exceptional artist.  If you would like to see more of my drawings or if you want a video of me teaching you step by step how to draw the perfect liger, email me at
             Nathan's Reviews is a very excellent blog.  If you would like to view it, which I highly recommend, you can just click on the link below.


 Ligers are cute, scary, awesome, legit, athletic, and just flat out cool!


Are ligers a myth, or are they real?  I have heard many times that ligers do not exist.  That statement has always frustrated me.  Unlike the sasquatch, or the yeti, ligers have been seen and are proven to be real.  Believing in the sasquatch is okay, but saying that ligers are fake is just flat out wrong!  Saying ligers are fake, is like saying elephants are fake! That's crazy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Liger Song

I guess everyone has a different picture of what a liger looks like.  What if ligers looked like that? Ha, I'm just joking!  I found this silly, little song entertaining.  I found this on my daily search on YouTube for great liger videos.  I hope you enjoy this video as I did.  If you are lucky this will not get stuck on in your head!  Sorry if it does!

What ifs...

  • What if ligers played basketball?
  • What if ligers played football?
  • What if ligers had never been discovered?
  • What if ligers ruled planet earth?
  • What if ligers were endangered?
  • What if ligers taught calculus?
  • What if ligers were smaller than mice?
  • What if ligers were larger than elephants? (that would be scary)
  • What if Brian Scalabrine owned a liger?
  • What if ligers had purple teeth?
  • What if ligers partied on the weekends with us?
  • What if ligers could speak?
  • What if ligers could run at 12,807,420,598 miles per hour?
  • What if ligers wore shoes?
  • What if ligers could act in movies?
  • What if ligers could fly?
  • What if ligers could be owned as pets?
  • What if a liger got elected president?
  • What if ligers had to wear clothes?
  • What if ligers had laser vision? 
  • What if ligers could climb up walls?
Hmmmm... What if...

Monday, March 5, 2012

What do you think of my liger drawing? I think it is pretty artistic, but we are all entitled to our own opinions.  This one is hard to critique because of it's pure awesomeness though.

Why are ligers the best?

  • Tigers are ferocious and strong and awesome.
  • Lions are also ferocious and strong and awesome.
  • Since those two facts are true, that makes ligers twice as ferocious, twice as strong, and twice as awesome!
  • Ligers are very soft and delightful to pet.
  • Ligers have a nasty bite.
  • Ligers are made from two of the most respected beasts in the animal kingdom.
  • If lions are the king of the animal kingdom, then imagine what the liger is.
  • There is a possibility that when tigers and lions got on the ark with Moses, they didn't go on as separate animals.  They might have gotten on as a liger already.  
  • Ligers are the largest felines in the animal kingdom.
  • Ligers enjoy swimming which most felines do not prefer to do.

Would you mess with thing?


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lion + liger = li-liger
Lion + tigon = li-tigon
Tiger + liger = ti-liger
Tiger + tigon = ti-tigon

This is the truth!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good Liger Picture Website

So far on my blog, I have talked quite a bit about liger pictures.  Sometimes google does not have very good pictures.  Here is link to a website that has (in my opinion) excellent pictures.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Liger Pictures: Real v.s. Fake

If you visit google images or another image search engine such as flickr, as I have multiple times, you will see liger pictures.  If you have noticed, there are some really cool pictures.  There are a few ways to be able to determine if it is a fake image, made with photoshop, or if it is a real and honest picture of a liger.  The easy way is to just look at it, and sometimes you can just tell the difference.  However, there are some very difficult pictures that look real, but are not.  A very easy way to be able to know is simply look at the stripes.  Since ligers stripes are not prominent, many fake pictures use pictures of a tiger's body, the stripes will be very bright.  Also, a good way to tell is by seeing the mane.  Ligers often do not have very large manes.  Also if you see anything like the Napoleon Dynamite drawing (see post below),  then it is obviously NOT a real liger!  
This is Napoleon Dynamite's (my flippin' idol!) interrpretation of what a liger looks like. It looks a little bit off, but, boy, can he draw!
This is a REAL liger. There is a pretty big difference, don't you think?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Those are ferocious! Did anybody else know that the liger's stripes fade over time? That was my favorite fact. What was yours?