Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good Liger Picture Website

So far on my blog, I have talked quite a bit about liger pictures.  Sometimes google does not have very good pictures.  Here is link to a website that has (in my opinion) excellent pictures.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Liger Pictures: Real v.s. Fake

If you visit google images or another image search engine such as flickr, as I have multiple times, you will see liger pictures.  If you have noticed, there are some really cool pictures.  There are a few ways to be able to determine if it is a fake image, made with photoshop, or if it is a real and honest picture of a liger.  The easy way is to just look at it, and sometimes you can just tell the difference.  However, there are some very difficult pictures that look real, but are not.  A very easy way to be able to know is simply look at the stripes.  Since ligers stripes are not prominent, many fake pictures use pictures of a tiger's body, the stripes will be very bright.  Also, a good way to tell is by seeing the mane.  Ligers often do not have very large manes.  Also if you see anything like the Napoleon Dynamite drawing (see post below),  then it is obviously NOT a real liger!  
This is Napoleon Dynamite's (my flippin' idol!) interrpretation of what a liger looks like. It looks a little bit off, but, boy, can he draw!
This is a REAL liger. There is a pretty big difference, don't you think?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Those are ferocious! Did anybody else know that the liger's stripes fade over time? That was my favorite fact. What was yours?